Nanny McPhee
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Filmy
- Kategoria: Recenzje filmowe z Guardiana
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Nanny McPhee
Kirk Jones's well-meaning comedy, Nanny McPhee, is a didactic fable adapted by Emma Thompson from a series of children's stories by Christianna Brand, a writer better known for her detective novels. Thompson herself stars as the eponymous governess who possesses magical powers wielded through her walking stick and arrives unheralded, but much needed, to tame the seven wild children of widowed undertaker Mr Brown (Colin Firth). She's as ugly as sin, but with every victory in the service of good manners and decorum, a wart or similar blemish disappears until at the end she's as handsome and blooming as Emma Thompson herself. The movie tends to jerk along rather than flow, and the performances are on the broad side, especially from Angela Lansbury as the rich aristocratic aunt who's compelling Brown into remarrying, and Celia Imrie as the vulgar, rapacious widow determined to become his bride. The best work comes from Derek Jacobi and Patrick Barlow who seem to be taking their cues from Sandy and Julian of Around the Horne fame as a pair of camp undertakers' assistants. I can't see kids being too enthusiastic.
adapted by- w adaptacji
blemish- wyprysk, plamka; skaza
blooming- kwitnący
broad- rubaszny
compel- zmuszać, przymuszać
decorum- przyzwoitość, formy towarzyskie, dobre obyczaje
eponymous- tytułowy (bohater)
fable- bajka
governess- guwernantka
jerk- szarpać, nagle ruszyć
possess- posiadać
rapacious- zachłanny
take one’s cues from- wzorować się na
tame- poskramiać, ujarzmiać
tend to- mieć skłonność do
undertaker- przedsiębiorca pogrzebowy
unheralded- niezapowiedziany
wart- brodawka, kurzajka
well-meaning- mający dobre zamiary
widow- wdowa
widowed- owdowiały
wield- dzierżyć, sprawować